Water Service Turned Off?

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Helene Blin

Enterprise Risk Officer

As the Enterprise Risk Officer, Helene is responsible for designing and implementing WSSC Water’s Enterprise Risk program as well as providing related internal advisory services to the Executive Leadership. 

Embedded in a cross-functional collaborative approach, Enterprise Risk facilitates the process of identifying, assessing, mitigating, monitoring and reporting WSSC Water’s enterprise risks and opportunities. 

Helene has more than 10 years of Enterprise Risk Management experience in a leadership capacity for listed corporations and public administrations. 

Helene had previously held managerial positions in procurement and supply chain in the steel trading, aircraft, defense, oil and gas industries and in public entities. 

Helene earned her Bachelor of International Business from Le Mans University and her Master of Science in International Business from la Sorbonne, in France. Helene is a Certified Risk Management Professional (RIMS and IARCP). 

Helene resides in Montgomery County and during her free time enjoys traveling and teaching French.